package de.uniks.pmws1920.builder; public class ModelBuilder { // =================================================================================== // Game Rule Methods // =================================================================================== public War loadHistory(){ // load date in savefile as shown in the lecture // return the war object (that is not persisted) to make the initGame Method // interchangeable with this method } // =================================================================================== // Player // =================================================================================== public Player persistPlayer(int id, String name, String color){ // this must be called on every buildPlayer call // put code for Player persisting here } // =================================================================================== // Shroom // =================================================================================== public Shroom persistShroom(int id, int ownerId, int targetId, int hp, int attackValue){ // this must be called on every buildShroom call // put code for Shroom persisting here } // =================================================================================== // House // =================================================================================== public House persistHouse(int id, int ownerId, int hp, int capacity){ // this must be called on every buildHouse call // put code for House persisting here } }