package de.uniks.pmws1920.gui; public class WinTest extends ApplicationTest { @Override public void start(Stage stage) { ShroomWars wars = new ShroomWars(); wars.start(stage); } @Test public void showWinningPlayerTest() { // manage to display the ingame screen // manipulate the the model to make one player win the game // test the displayed Ui (minimum two Asserts) } // This can be a Simple Model Test without the usage of any UI // If you want to move this method into another tests that's fine @Test public void winConditionTest() { // initialize a normal game // make a objectdiagram-dump that displays the Model after the games init // manipulate the the model to make one player win the game // test the Model for the defined win-condition (minimum two Asserts) // make a objectdiagram-dump that displays the Model after the win-condition holds } }