
Graph and Model Driven Engineering (WS1516)

16:00 - 18:00, Tuesdays


Albert Zündorf


The concept of a graph is a simple but powerful one. It may be used to describe complex object models in a mathematical way. One can use graphs to formalize object oriented languages and concepts, especially, the Unified Modelling Language.

To describe mathematical operations on graphs, graph grammars and graph transformation rules prove as powerful concepts. Graph transformation rules are the basic concept for Story Diagrams, the programming language in the Fujaba CASE tool and in the SDMLib, too.

This course shows and compares different graph models and introduces a simple mathematical description for an object oriented graph model. Furtheron, this forms the basis for the formalization of the complex Story Diagram language constructs. Finally, different concepts for graph based proving approaches are discussed.

Thus, graphs are the foundation of model driven engineering. Based on graphs, we do model transformations and e.g. code generation.
The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is a popular platform for model driven engineering. We explore EMF and its possibilities.

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Graph and Model Driven Engineering (WS1516)