Category Archives: Programming Methodologies
The player starts the game and picks a color. Once created, the players avatar is displayed on a map using a predetermined position. The start position of the first player is the first grass field and the start position of the second player is the last grass field. Features on the map include Zombies and trainers. The Game is a turn-based game and within a turn the player has three action points (AP). Move 1AP attack 3AP catch 2AP The player can move from one place to another place. The player can catch a Zombie with a trap and can attack a Zombie with another Zombie. Players earn experience points for various in-game activities. The player can only move on grasses and cannot enter rocks. The cost of moving from one place to another are calculated based on the places that lie in between the places. Therefore, moving from a place with coordinates (1,0) to a place with coordinates (1,2) would cost 2 (AP). In order to catch a zombie, the player has to choose one of their one traps and is required to throw a dice for an aggressive value. The dice ranges from values 1 to 6. After throwing the dice, the zombie also throws a dice, to provide a defensive value. During the action of catching a zombie, the used trap is always consumed. Catching a zombie is calculated using the following formula : (Successrate of Trap) + (Aggressive Value – Defensive Value) * 5 > Random number ranging from 1 to 100. Successfully catching a zombie, rewards the player with 1 experience point. Attacking a zombie requires the player to own a zombie, which requires the player to catch it in the first place. Before attacking a zombie, the player has to throw a dice for an aggressive value. The dice ranges from values 1 to 6. After throwing the dice, the zombie also throws a dice, to provide a defensive value. The zombie of the player attacks the wild zombie, using his attack count, when Aggressive Value >= Defensive Value is given. The wild zombie attacks the zombie of the player, using his attack count, when Defensive Value >= Aggressive Value is given. Successfully attacking a wild zombie, rewards the player with 1 experience point. Successfully killing a wild zombie, by lowering its health count to 0, rewards the player with 10 experience points. If the health count of the players zombie gets lowered to 0, the zombie dies and the player looses the zombie, without further penalties. Players who run out of traps, turn into spectators, that can no longer attack and catch zombies and cannot move on the map. When all players run out of traps to use, the game ends and the player with the highest amount of experience wins the game. The first player wins automatically in case both players have the same amount of experience at the end of the game. When a turn ends, without the game ending, a new zombie wild is generated on a random grass with a random health and attack pool, if there are less then 5 wild zombies.
Die Klausur findet am 23.03. um 9:00 Uhr statt.
Anstelle eines Zusatzblattes wird die Anzahl der zulässigen Fehlabgaben (nicht abgegeben/<50%) auf 3 erhöht.
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Hausaufgaben und Projekt
Abgabe ist Donnerstag, 4.02.2016 23:59 Uhr.