These are the requirements and outline for writing a review:
- Based on these review examples:
- Reviewer information
- Lastname,Firstname, Mail adress
- Reviewers Experience
- 1-5 (1 never heard about that before, 5 I’m an expert)
- Rating
- +3 to -3:
- +3 = Strong accept
- +2 = accept
- +1 = weak accept
- 0 = borderline (I don’t care, let the others decide)
- -1 = weak reject
- -2 = reject
- -3 = strong reject
- +3 to -3:
- Evaluation
- Short summary,
- 3-4 sentences, approx. length of an abstract
- Content:
- some paragraphs (depends on length of paper), (bullet-point style is ok)
- Understandable?
- Enough (8-10 pages, more is ok)?
- The paper should either provider a good overview OR should be focused on a dedicated subject.
- Well written?
- 1-2 sentences (depends on length of paper)
- examples for bad phrases
- Layout, format
- 1 -2 sentence
- Short summary,
- Optional: Comments for the PC (will not be sent to the authors)
- Some sentences
- Things you want the program committee to know, e.g.
Detailed information will be given at the event on Monday, 13th of January 2014.
Important: Deadline for reviews is Friday, 27th of June, 11:59 p.m. Later submission will result in a deduction of points.