The deadline for homework 4 has been switched to Mi, 09.06.2010.
Category Archives: SS10
Hi all.
Since there was a delay of the lecture announcing the third homework going online, we extended the deadline for this one to Friday, 28.05.2010!
The 4th homework is due at Friday, 04.06.2010!
As usual send it via email as zip with your name (and Matrikelnummer) to Nina Geiger.
Due to quite a number of difficulities and obstacles to be clarified, the homework due date for exercise 2 has been moved to Friday May 14th.
Just to clarify:
the files to be loaded with the loadModel(String filename) method shall be the concrete model files.
This means, not the .ecore files you created for Ludo and StudyRight, but the concrete “.ludo” etc. files you created inside the runtime eclipse with the generated editor!
Exercises 1 and 2 are due at 07.05.2010
Please send the zipped workspaces via email to Nina Geiger.
The following links could be useful for exercise 2:
Tutorial of BookStore example used in the lecture
Generating Dynamix Ecore from XML Schema
Project Homepage of Eclipse Modeling Framework