
Evolutionary Algorithms (WS2324)

Monday, 14:15-15:45



Evolutionary Algorithms are an important nature-inspired model of computation. They provide a metaheuristic approach to global optimization. In recent years, they have been regularly applied in search-based software engineering to solve problems like software modularization, test case selection, or optimizing software with regard to non-functional properties like energy consumption.

This course provides an introduction to the field of Evolutionary Algorithms. We will get acquainted with classical evolutionary algorithms and discuss different ways of representing solutions and adapting evolutionary operators accordingly. More advanced topics that will be discussed are parameter tuning, the use of evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective optimization, and constraint handling techniques for constrained optimization problems.

More detailed information about the contents of the course and suggested literature will be provided in the first lecture. The course starts on 23 October. The date for the exercises will be determined in the first lecture.

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