
Programming and Modelling (WS2425)

Wednesday, 12:00 - 13:30


Jonas Posner


Further material and information is given via Moodle and Discord.

This course teaches object-oriented modeling and object-oriented programming. We learn how to develop object-oriented programs systematically from requirements via analysis and design to implementation and test. We learn the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and how to use it for the different development steps.

The first three terms‘ computer science courses introduced a programming language and basic algorithms and data structures. These are the basics for handcrafting computer programs. Methodological software development takes this a step forward. Based on a textual problem description (requirements specification, „Pflichtenheft“), a realization concept is derived with the help of UML Scenario Diagrams (analysis document). This is used to design the structure of the program to be realized and to exactly describe the behavior of the program’s components (design document). The design document is the basis for the methodological development of the program. Ideally, the program is automatically generated from the design document.

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Programming and Modelling (WS2425)

Friday, 12:00 - 14:00


Maurice Herwig

SE Uni Kassel