All posts by Albert Zündorf
- use the repository from last assignment
- start from the branch assignment4
- switch to branch assignment5
- Implement model test for posts, comments and users
- test your model validations
- test your model attributes existence
- Implement controller tests for your user controller
- at least make sure that all your controller actions are called
- Implement system tests
- Create user success/failure case
- Login user success/failure case
- Create and edit a post
- Create and edit a comment
- commit and push to branch assignment5
- create a pull request (name: Assignment5) to the main/master branch
Deadline for this assignment is Friday 28.5.2021 23:59
- use the repository from last assignment
- start from the branch assignment3
- switch to branch assignment4
- create user and session as shown in the lecture
- user should be able to register, login, logout, change their details and delete their accounts ( all posts and their comments )
- post and comments are linked to the creating user user
- when deleting a post also delete the comments
- post and comments can only be created by logged-in users
- but everybody can browse the posts and comments
- only show buttons like login, logout, create post … according to the login-state
- commit and push to branch assignment4
- create a pull request (name: Assignment4) to the main/master branch
Deadline for this assignment is Friday 14.5.2021 23:59
- create a github repository:
- choose a name for your social network
- create an new rails project
- commit an push your generated project to the master/main branch
- switch to branch assignment3
- add bootstrap, simple_form and slim
- create and implement a post and comment model
- implement all CRUD actions in view and controller
- commit and push to branch assignment3
- create a pull request (name: Assignment 3) to the main/master branch
Discord channel for questions:
- Install Rails –>
- Create a computation model, controller, routes and the necessary views (as shown in the lecture).
- Your Application should support at least addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Handle division by zero in some nice way.
- Create your assignment 2 repository on github.
- As last time, use a assignment2 branch and create a pull request.
- Deadline 30.04.2021 23:59