Programming Methodologies WS1213 Lecture 14 Client Server Chat Sockets 2 February 14, 2013 Albert Zündorf Programming Methodologies, WS1213 Screen cast PMWS1213L15ClientServerChat2.mp4
Software Engineering 2 WS 1213 Lecture 09 Xtext February 14, 2013 Albert Zündorf Software Engineering II, WS1213 Screen cast SE2WS1213L15Xtext.mp4
Compiler Construction WS1213 Lecture 13 XText February 8, 2013 Albert Zündorf Compiler Construction, WS1213 Screen Cast CompilerWS1213L14Xtext.mp4
Programming Methodologies WS1213 Lecture 13 Sockets 1 February 8, 2013 Albert Zündorf Programming Methodologies, WS1213 Screen cast PMWS1213L14Sockets.mp4
Compiler Construction WS1213 Lecture 12 Parser Tables January 30, 2013 Albert Zündorf Compiler Construction, WS1213 Screen Cast CompilerWS1213L13ParserTables.mp4
Programming Methodologies WS1213 Lecture 12 Deployment and Component Diagrams January 30, 2013 Albert Zündorf Programming Methodologies, WS1213 Screen cast PMWS1213L13StoryDiags3AndConcurrent1.mp4
Software Engineering 2 WS 1213 Lecture 08 Code Gen January 30, 2013 Albert Zündorf Software Engineering II, WS1213 Screen cast SE2WS1213L12CodeGen.mp4
Compiler Construction WS1213 Lecture 11 Bcel While and Functions January 23, 2013 Albert Zündorf Compiler Construction, WS1213 Screen Cast CompilerWS1213CodeGenWhileAndFunctions.mp4
Programming Methodologies WS1213 Lecture 11 Idioms continued January 23, 2013 Albert Zündorf Programming Methodologies, WS1213 Screen cast PMWS1213L11MoreModelTransformations.mp4
Software Engineering 2 WS 1213 Lecture 07 Interpreter continued January 21, 2013 Albert Zündorf Software Engineering II, WS1213 Screen cast SE2WS1213L10InterpreterRefinement.mp4