Tag Archives: screencast

Programming Methodologies, WS1213

Screen cast PMWS1213L05TestFirst.avi

To use SDMLib:

  • download SDMLib donwload SDMLib.zip
  • Start Eclipse
  • Right Click in the Project Explorer, choose Import … from the popup menu
  • in the Import Wizzard:
    • choose General-> Existing Projects into Workspace, click next
    • choose the radio button for Select archive file
    • use the Browse button to select the downloaded SDMLib.zip file
    • the panel in the middle should now show the SDMLib project check marked
    • press Finish
    • after some 10 seconds, the SDMLib project appears in the project explorer
  • right click your own project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path …
    • in the Properties Wizzard select the tab for Projects
    • Press the Add… button
    • check mark the SDMLib project
    • press OK
    • SDMLib should now appear in the projects panel of the wizzard
  • have fun