All posts by Andreas Scharf

Software Engineering I, WS1011

Der neue MLM Server unterstützt in der Version 2.0.1 nun auch das Reparieren von Gebäuden mittels der SHIELD “Waffe”. Hierzu gibt es den neuen “REPAIR” Befehl. Der Vollständigkeit halber hier die komplette Befehlstabelle.

Action Keys Beispiel Bemerkung
CHOOSE_SECTOR sector {"@action":"CHOOSE_SECTOR","properties":{"entry":{"key":"sector","value":"Sector@1a3b6f"}}} Wählt den Startsektor aus. sector muss eine ID sein.
START_GAME keiner {"@action":"START_GAME"} Startet das spiel wenn jeder Spieler einen Startsektor gewählt hat.
LEAVE_GAME keiner {"@action":"LEAVE_GAME"} Verlässt das aktuelle Spiel.
TRANSFER_MEN source, target, amount {"@action":"TRANSFER_MEN","properties":{"entry":{"key":"source","value":"Tower@1a3b6f"},"entry":{"key":"target","value":"Invention@b54ddf"},"entry":{"key":"amount","value":"12"}}} Transferiert amount Men von einem Ort zum anderen, solange es keine Armee betrifft. source und target erwarten die ID eines Towers, einer Invention oder einer Resouorce
CREATE_ARMY tower, amount, (weapon), (target) {"@action":"CREATE_ARMY","properties":{"entry":{"key":"tower","value":"Tower@1a3b6f"},"entry":{"key":"weapon","value":"Invention@b54ddf"},"entry":{"key":"amount","value":"12"},"entry":{"key":"target","value":"Sector@1a3b6f"}}} Erzeug mit amount men aus dem per ID angegebenen tower eine neue Army. Die Army wird mit der per ID angegebenen weapon ausgerüstet, wenn genügend waffen im tower verfügbar sind, oder erstellt werden können. Als target kommen per ID angegebene Turrets oder angrenzende Sectoren in Frage.
MOVE_ARMY army, target {"@action":"MOVE_ARMY","properties":{"entry":{"key":"army","value":"Army@d54a23"},"entry":{"key":"target","value":"Sector@1a3b6f"}}} Versetzt die army an das angegebene target, welches ein Tower oder ein Sector sein kann.
RESEARCH tower, invention {"@action":"RESEARCH","properties":{"entry":{"key":"tower","value":"Tower@123abc"},"entry":{"key":"invention","value":"Invention@f45a3b"}}} Erforscht die per ID angegebene invention im per ID angegebenen tower. Es wird ein Research-Objekt erzeugt, dem per TRANSFER_MEN noch Forscher zugewiesen werden müssen.
MESSAGE message, (audience), (recipient) {"@action":"MESSAGE","properties":{"entry":{"key":"message","value":"Hallo"},"entry":{"key":"audience","value":"USER"},"entry":{"key":"recipient","value":"jfd"}}} Siehe Chatprotokoll.
REPAIR shield, building {"@action":"REPAIR","properties":{"entry":{"key":"building","value":"Tower@5974b827"},"entry":{"key":"shield","value":"Invention@c11da53"}}} Repariert das Gebäude building mit dem Shield shield. Repariert werden könne alle Gebäude die sich im gleichen Sektor wie der Tower in dem das Shield erforscht wurde befinden.
Software Engineering I, WS1011


wie bereits schon angekündigt wird der MLM Server weiterentwickelt. Damit keine Komplikationen für die momentane SE1 Veranstaltung auftreten, läuft ab sofort neben dem bisherigen Server (Port 4000) ein weiterer Server auf Port 5000.

Also: 5000

Die Versionsnummer startet hier bei 2.0.0. Bisher gibt es im Wesentlichen neue Maps mit anderen (aber schon bekannten) Rohstoffen. Über den HELP Befehl erhaltet ihr weitere Informationen. Wichtig sind vor allem HELP CREATE GAME und HELP LIST MAPS.

Viel Spaß,

P.s.: Zur Zeit kann der neue Server nur intern (z.B. aus dem SE Labor) erreicht werden. Im Laufe des morgigen Tages wird er dann auch von außen erreichbar sein.

Software Engineering I, WS1011

To make the grading system as transparent as possible we decided to publish our assessment criteria here. The final grade of each team member will be calculated as follows:

  • 50% individual- and 50% team effort, where
    • The individual effort is
      • 10% individual time
      • 15% presentation (each release) and
      • 25% role (perception of the role you had in the scrum process during the release)
    • The team effort is
      • 10% team time
      • 40% assessment of the releases (4 releases, each 10%)

What is individual and team time? What is important for the presentation and how do we assess the preception of your different roles? Here are the answers:

  • Individual and team time
    • At least one hour of each individual and team time to get a 4.0.
    • Two hours of each individual and team time to get a 1.0.
    • At the end of each weekly meeting you will get an assessment in the range (-2,…,+2) which will be summarized at the end of SE1 and build your individual/team grade.
    • Individual time
      • Starts counting if at least two team members start working on the project (two because we want to boost pair programming) in the SE lab.
    • Team time
      • Starts counting if at least 75% of the team comes together in the SE lab and start working on the project.
      • Team time also counts into individual time!
  • Presentation
    • Each release ends with the presentation of the results.
    • Present the new features which you developed within the last 4 weeks
    • 50% content. We assess how efficient you’ve worked within the last 4 weeks. Efficency is meant as the relation between the planned and realized features. However you’ll not get a bad grade if you have good arguments why the planned features didn’t get into the product.
    • 50% presentation style.
    • You will get feedback at the end of each presentation!
  • Roles
    • Dependent on the role you had within a release, we will asses as follows
      • Scrum Master
        • “The scrum master has to ensure that the team has everything it needs to get the work done.”
        • Contacts the SE experts and arranges the weekly meetings
        • We will asses how you did this job!
      • Product owner
        • Maintains the Agilo instance and writes “User Stories”.
        • Prioritizes the tasks in the product backlog
        • We will asses how you did this job by having a look at your agilo.
      • Developer
        • We will have a look at the Agilo burndown charts to get a picture what you did