All posts by Albert Zündorf

3rd Party Projects

The FAST (Fast and advanced storyborad tools) research project is a part of the 7th framework program of the European Commission of Information Society and Media. The University of Kassel – Softwareengineering works in assosiation with Telefónica I+D, SAP AG, Cyntelix Corporation, National University of Ireland Galway, and Universidad olitécnica de Madrid. The delay of this project: 03.2008 till 03.2011.

The main research fact is to increase speed and decrease the technological knowledge to develop (complex) gadgets used by mashup platforms. Those gadgets should be wirred in a mashup by users to create new functionality. FAST will provide all necessary tools to technical users so that they could build complex gadgets in a visual way, always taking into account the user perspective.

Currently the Kassel software engineering group develop the interactive development tool to create service data wrapper (That operators requests web ressources, manipulate its data and map them into a output object). The next step, the data mediation between FAST data types, is prospective.