Compiler Construction (WS1516)
Topics include: scanner and parser programming, context free grammars, parser tables, scanner and parser generators, synthetic and inherited attributes, symbol tables, byte code generation, cross referencing, pattern matching, runtime analyses, refactorings, reverse engineering.
Intended Audience: Students of computer science, bachelor
Lecture 15: Tracing
February 15, 2016
Lecture 14: Refactorings
February 4, 2016
Lecture 13: Index Based Search
January 28, 2016
Lecture 12: Code Gen with Xtend Templates
January 22, 2016
Lecture 11: ANTLR
January 19, 2016
Lecture 10: First and Follow
December 17, 2015
Lecture 9: Byte Code for Loops and Functions
December 10, 2015
Lecture 8: Byte Code for If Statement
December 3, 2015
Lecture 7: BCEL
November 26, 2015
Lecture 6: Functions
November 19, 2015
Lecture 5: If Statements
November 12, 2015
Lecture 4: Scanner
November 12, 2015
Lecture 3: Variables
October 29, 2015
Lecture 2: Simple Expressions
October 22, 2015
Lecture 1: Introduction
October 15, 2015