All posts by Albert Zündorf

Seminar, WS1415

Die Themenvergabe zu den im Fachgebiet angebotenen Seminaren findet am kommenden Montag

dem 10.11.’14 um 15 Uhr im Seminarraum (R1340) des FG Software Engineering statt.

Wir bieten folgende Themen an:

  • Vergeben: Layout-Algorithmen – Vergleich von verschiedenen Kanten-Algorithmen für Diagramm Layouts, Betreuer Stefan Lindel
  • Nicht mehr verfügbar: Eclipse Dirigible & Flux – Eclipse Cloud Entwicklung, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Vergeben: D3.js und Echtzeitdaten – Hübsche Diagramme im Browser, die sich selbst aktualisieren und eine Interaktion ermöglichen., Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Vergeben: D3.js für Diagrameditoren
  • Vergeben:  Eclipse Orion – Open Source Platform for Cloud Based Development, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Vergeben: SAP Hana, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Microservices à la Netflix, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Vergeben:  fabric8, an open-source integration platform, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Nicht mehr verfügbar: Apache Tajo – A big data warehouse system on Hadoop, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Vergeben:  Docker – “An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.”, Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
  • Vergeben: Meteor is a complete open source platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript., Betreuer: Tobias George
  • Spring Social – “Connect your Spring application with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) API providers such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.”, Betreuer: Tobias George
  • Vergeben: Myo – “The Myo armband lets you use the electrical activity in your muscles to wirelessly control your computer, phone, and other favorite digital technologies. With the wave of your hand, it will transform how you interact with your digital world. “, Betreuer: Lennert Raesch
  • Apple Eingabe über Rückseite – ???, Betreuer: Lennert Raesch
Programming Methodologies, WS1415

Players take turns in a clockwise order; highest throw of the dice starts.
Each throw, the player decides which piece to move. A piece simply moves in a
clockwise direction around the track given by the number thrown. If no piece can legally
move according to the number thrown, play passes to the next player.
A throw of 6 gives another turn.
A player must throw a 6 to move a piece from the starting circle onto the first square on
the track and the player then has another turn.
If a piece lands on a piece of a different colour, the piece jumped upon is returned to its
starting circle.
If a piece would land on a piece of the same colour, the move is illegal.

When a piece has circumnavigated the board, it proceeds up the home column.
The first person to move all 4 pieces into the home column wins.