Software-Technik Praktikum (SS20)
This course teaches software development in teams. We learn how to organize a software development team and distribute work among team members. This includes project planning, version control (Git), Scrum, test driven development, presentations, usage of frameworks and documentation.
The Students will be arranged in Teams of 6-8 programmers. To ease the forming of the team a tutor will supervise the initial meetings and push the group into the right direction.
Intended Audience: Students of computer science, 4th term.
Software-Technik Praktikum (SS20)
STP Serverdokumentation 4. Release
July 26, 2020
STP Anforderungen 4. Release
July 15, 2020
STP Serverdokumentation 3. Release
June 29, 2020
STP Anforderungen 3. Release
June 15, 2020
STP Serverdokumentation 2. Release
June 1, 2020
STP Server Changelog
May 26, 2020
STP Spielbeschreibung
May 21, 2020
STP Anforderungen 2. Release
May 18, 2020
STP Kundentreffen Release 1
April 29, 2020
STP Projektrollenbeschreibung
April 29, 2020
STP Anforderungen Jira
April 27, 2020
STP Anforderungen Release-Präsentation
April 27, 2020
STP Anforderungen Release-Dokumentation
April 27, 2020
STP Anforderungen 1. Release
April 27, 2020
STP Serverdokumentation 1. Release
April 27, 2020