Tag Archives: Project: SCORE – Distributed Software Development

Projects, SS15


Betreuer: Marcel Hahn
Zielgruppe: Bachelor ab dem 4. Semester & Master
Skills: Interesse an Softwareentwicklung/Eclipse, gute Java, Eclipse und Git Kenntnisse
Umfang: Bachelor: 12 Credits über 2 Semester, Master: 8 Credits über 2 Semester
Zeit: SS 2015 und WS 15/16 , evtl. Teilnahme an der ICSE 2016 (14-22 May 2016)


Beim SCORE 2011 haben wir es noch in die Hauptrunde geschafft.

Beim SCORE 2013 wurden wir als eines der letzten drei Teams nach San Francisco eingeladen.

Dieses Jahr holen wir uns das Ding in Austin, Texas!

Das Thema:

Distributed Software Development: Team and Source Code Overview

This program aims to help students working in distributed software engineering projects to have a better overview of who is working on particular parts of the code, what tasks are associated to each file, and who is responsible for each file, as well as the working patterns for each individual, to allow for better communication. For example, student Smith might be responsible for a file, but she is working from Australia, therefore, only online between particular times. The program will run as an overlay over an IDE and will be continuously updated as changes happen to the code and responsibilities get allocated.



Java, Eclipse, Git, …

Projects, WS1213

Thank you for your submission “TySON – Truck Spot Occupancy Navigator (Report)” to SCORE 2013.

We are happy to inform you that your student project was accepted for
presentation at ICSE 2013 in San Francisco!

The program committee found your project well aligned with the call for papers
and the requirements stated for SCORE projects. Congratulations!

We received a record number of 33 submissions, which the program committee
evaluated and discussed. Each submission went through a thorough review process.
Overall, only three out of 33 submissions were accepted (9% acceptance rate).